Scientific Bulletin of Natural Sciences (Biological Sciences) is included in the category "B" of the List of scientific publications of Ukraine on specialty 091 "Biology" (17.03.2020).
ISSN 2524-0838 (revised edition)
ISSN 2706-9133 (online edition)
Year of issue: 2003
State Registration Certificate: КВ 23952-13792 ПР
Copyright: Kherson State University
Frequency: 2 times a year
Mission: The Scientific Bulletin of Natural Sciences (Biological Sciences) is a platform for scientists, students and graduate students who carry out research in the field of biological sciences to describe their scientific achievements. The collection is intended to acquaint the domestic and foreign scientific community with scientific research of both fundamental and applied importance.
Materials are published in Ukrainian and English.
Scope: The Scientific Bulletin of Natural Sciences (Biological Sciences) accepts articles that are the result of scientific research in the field of biological sciences and have not been previously published in other publications. The journal reviews the results of scientific research in the fields of botany, zoology, human and animal physiology, immunology and microbiology, plant physiology, genetics, hydrobiology, ecology.
Ukrainian Science,
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Index of Open Academic Journals,
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Manuscripts can be submitted to the address:
Department of Human Biology and Immunology,
Kherson State University,
vul. Universitetska, 27, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000
Phone number of executive secretary +380957910593 Orlova-Gudim Katerina Sergeevna