The work presents the results of research on enclosure hunting in Ukraine. The analysis of the modern problems of the hunting industry in Ukraine showed a rather low (sectoral) level of its management. According to the existing legislation (Law of Ukraine «On Hunting Farms and Hunting», dated February 22, 2000 - No. 1478-ІІІ / Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (edition as of March 10, 2017, with changes) hunting is a sphere of public production of the state. To solve the modern problems of hunting at a higher (state) level, a number of documents have been developed (final reports of the National Technical Research Institute No. 17 and 9, their original documents – «Recommendations, Rules, Guidelines» of 2014 and "Instructions" of 2019). They will help to adequately perceive the implementation of the main urgent tasks of hunting and farming production.
During the study of hunting topics in Ukraine, the idea of creating a coordinating hunting center arose, the scientific and experimental base of which was to become a network of scientific research hunting farms in different regions of Ukraine. Such a Center was created by the decision of the Board of the State Forestry Committee of Ukraine under No. 81 dated September 8, 1998. According to the order of the State Board of Forestry of Ukraine dated 12.07.2005 under No. 372, a network of experimental farms appeared, one in each of the country's forestry regions. There are 5 forestry regions in total: Poliska, Lisostepova (West Bank), Lisostepova (East Bank), Stepova (North), Stepova (South). The methodological basis for conducting research on the scientific topic of hunting became the Technical task of the Scientific Research Work No. 13. It developed a system of measures for the semi-free keeping of hunting hoofed animals. The order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine dated September 30, 2010 No. 429 «The procedure for keeping and breeding wild animals that are in captivity or in semi-free conditions» remains on the watch list.
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