• Yu. P. Luts
  • H. V. Lukyantseva
  • O. V. Kolosova


The paper presents the results of studies of the functional state of the neuromuscular system, as well as determination of the strength of large groups of muscles of the trunk and limbs in e-athletes, IT specialists and untrained young men. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the functioning of the neuromuscular system using the technique of electroneuromyography, as well as to determine the strength of large groups of muscles of the trunk and limbs in groups of e-athletes, IT specialists and untrained people, aged 17-25. Using the H-reflex study of the soleus muscle of the lower limb and the nerve conduction velocity study along the motor fibers of the median nerve of the upper limbs, it was found that in the majority of people, the indices of H-reflex are within the normal range, but there are deviations of the indices from the reference values, namely: an increase in the thresholds of H- and M-responses, a decrease in the amplitude of the H-response, a decrease in the ratio of the amplitudes of the maximum H- and M-responses, and an increase in the ratio of the thresholds of H- and M-responses. As for the amplitude of M-responses, there are no deviations in the groups of subjects. A deviation from the norm of the amplitude and time indicators of the conduction of the impulse along the median nerve was also detected, namely, a decrease and going beyond the reference values of the amplitude of muscle responses to nerve stimulation in the elbow bend and wrist, both on the right and left sides of the body as well as reducing and going beyond the reference values of the nerve conduction velocity. Abnormalities may indicate segmental demyelination of sensitive fibers of the tibial nerve and compression of the median nerve in the elbow and wrist of the upper limb on the right and left sides of the body. The study of the neuromuscular system using the technique of electroneuromyography in combination with the determination of the strength of large groups of muscles of the trunk and limbs plays an important role for e-athletes, programmers and untrained persons, in particular, it can make it possible to diagnose disorders of the functioning of the neuromuscular system, provide recommendations to optimize training and work activities and help prevent possible injuries.


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