The purpose of the work is to determine the level of functional state of the cardiovascular system of children aged 11, 12 years. A study of functional indicators of the cardiovascular system of the body in children (128) of two age groups (11 and 12 years) was conducted. We measured physiometric indicators that characterize the functional state of the cardiovascular system and blood flow organs - heart rate (HR, bpm), systolic (BP, mmHg), diastolic (BP, mmHg). As an indicator of the functional capabilities of the regulation of the cardiovascular system, the estimated value of the Robinson index was used. The determination of the adaptation potential of the cardiovascular system was used as an integral indicator of the level of children's physical condition.
The research results showed that in a group of 11-year-old students, the systolic blood pressure was at the level of BP=109.4±2.34 mmHg. In the group of 12-year-old children, systolic blood pressure was unreliably higher (p>0.05) than in 11-year-old children and was higher than normal (BP 112.9±6.22 mmHg). Analysis of the hemodynamic index, systolic blood pressure, showed that it is above the norm in 90% of 12-year-olds and in only 10% within the norm. A little less, in comparison with the second group, there were children with blood pressure above the norm (70.60%). The situation is the same with diastolic blood pressure indicators: individual age analysis of diastolic blood pressure indicators showed that almost 91% of 11-year-old children have indicators above the norm, as well as almost 97% of examined 12-year-old children.
Comparing the percentage ratio of schoolchildren according to indicators of adaptation potential in the 11- and 12-year-old groups, it was found that the largest percentage of children with the "unsatisfactory adaptation" indicator, which corresponds to the unsatisfactory adaptation of the body to environmental conditions with reduced functional capabilities, was in the 12-year-old group (76 .67%). The number of children with unsatisfactory adaptation among 11-year-olds is 44.32% less.
The results of calculating the Robinson index showed that in both groups of 11- and 12-year-old children, the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system are at the "below average" level, and in 12-year-old children, they are somewhat lower. The average indicators of the adaptation potential of the 1st group of 11-year-old children indicate the stress of adaptation. In the II group of 12-year-olds, the level of adaptation possibilities decreases sharply, it corresponds to unsatisfactory adaptation. The obtained research results are also a confirmation of the negative dynamics of the functional state, reserves and regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system in the studied children. In order to improve the functional state of the respiratory system of these schoolchildren, the influence of health care technologies and programs is necessary.
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