• T.Ie. Komisova
  • M.S. Honcharenko
  • N.A. Sliptsova
Keywords: population exposure, ionizing radiation, natural radionuclides, thyroid gland


The paper presents the results of research on the determination of the combined effect of ionizing radiation on the frequency of development of thyroid gland diseases (THD) in children living in the territory with constant exposure to natural and man-made ionizing radiation. In children, the thyroid gland is one of the main glands of the endocrine system, which plays a leading role in the neuroendocrine-immune regulation of the body, in the formation of physical and mental status, in the regulation of the normal functioning of the most important organs and systems, and other glands of the endocrine system, various exchange processes, etc. Therefore, the state of the thyroid gland in children is an indicator of their health both now and in the future.

The aim of the work is to study the influence of the combined effect of radiation and iodine deficiency on the frequency of thyroid pathology in children. 182 children and adolescents - residents of some localities of the Kirovohrad region - were examined. The examination was carried out according to a single program, which included: anthropometry; anamnestic data; calculation of the average absorbed  by thyroid dose due to PH of iodine; ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland; immunoenzymatic analysis of the content of thyroid hormones in the blood - free thyroxine (in T4); pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH); determination of antibodies to thyroglobulin (ATG) and microsomal fraction (AMS); iodine provision of the body (by excretion of iodine with urine).

The results show that thyroid pathology was detected in children of all groups. It has been established that the frequency of occurrence of thyroid pathology in children does not decrease and depends on the dose load on the thyroid gland (mainly due to iodine radionuclides) and the supply of iodine to the body. It was noted that the combined effect of ionizing radiation and endemic iodine deficiency increases the radiation effect on the thyroid gland. After taking iodine-containing drugs, a decrease in the number of subjects with iodine concentration in urine was noted in all groups. At the same time, the number of children with sufficient supply of iodine to the body increased mainly due to children with a mild degree of iodine deficiency. In order to prevent thyroid pathology, children with diffuse goiter who have undergone the combined effect of ionizing radiation and endemic iodine deficiency are recommended to use drugs and products those containing iodine.


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