
  • K.V. Ludanov
  • G.V. Korobeynikov
  • D.R. Ludanov
  • L.G. Korobeinikova
Keywords: Greco-Roman wrestling, bioimpedance, cycle ergometer, anaerobic power, elite athletes


Along with the traditionally studied problems of physical, technical, tactical, and other types of training, the problem of studying the component composition of the body of athletes in the pre-competition mesocycle of the preparatory period to assess the potential for correction of body weight due to adipose tissue, as well as determining the relations between the anaerobic indicators of the characteristics of the upper and lower limbs. This indicates the need for research and study of this problem. A Tanita body weight analyzer (TANITA MC-780MA P Corporation, Japan) and Concept2 BikeErg ergometer + modification for the upper limbs unit were used to determine the component body composition and the relations between the anaerobic characteristics of the upper and lower limbs in elite wrestlers. Statistical processing was performed using the STATISTICA 8 .0. Software package and using the computer program Microsoft Excel 2019. As a result of the analysis, we can note the following: all those studied 2 weeks before the expected start at important competitions had  a working weight that exceeded the competitive weight by 1,5-6,3 kg, while among those athletes who were planned to leave for the competition, the difference was 1,5-3,2 kg, which indicates weight control by athletes. On the cycle ergometer, all weight categories also showed high results, as in the previous test on the cycle ergometer, however, athletes of lower weight categories showed better results than wrestlers of heavier weight categories. The present study examined the relations between anaerobic performance and body composition in elite male wrestlers. Our research has shown that changes in peak power are primarily associated with lean mass in younger wrestlers. However, no significant correlation was found between anaerobic parameters and % of body fat. Conclusion. As a result of the study, it was found that the indicators of the component body composition in the subjects were different, but mostly corresponded to the norm according to the Tanita rating scales. It was revealed that wrestlers of lower weight categories had higher working capacity of the upper limbs than wrestlers of higher weight categories on a cycle ergometer. At the same time, our study did not reveal direct relations between the percentage of skeletal muscles and power in the studied athletes. 


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