
  • Yu.O. Kyselyov
  • V.V. Polishchuk
Keywords: invasive flora, phytoinvasions, methodological principles, methods, conceptual and terminological apparatus


Main scientific principles of research of adventive, in particular invasive, flora in the context of its state at the line between natural sciences, especially biology and geography, are considered. Studying of the mentioned issue is also related to ecology, forestry and landscape gardening, geography of transport and some other fundamental and applied scientific disciplines. It is emphasized that, first of all, the scientific provisions of plant ecology and anthropogenic landscape science, which study relations between man and environment from different positions, form the methodological basis of such research. The concept of sustainable development which is applied in the study of the issue of provision with biological resources for further generations in connection with suppression of the indigenous flora by alien species is also an important component of the methodological basis of invasive flora research. The doctrine of the relations between society and nature also plays an important role in formation of the methodological base of invasive flora research. It is noted that phytoinvasions are one of the most expressive displays of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes on the present-day stage of interaction between nature and mankind. In turn, invasive plants are elements of the anthropogenic landscape. It is noted that a large complex of methods that includes philosophical and general scientific (including dialectics, system approach, logical methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparing, generalization, etc., as well as observation, modeling), interdisciplinary (ecological and morphological and geographical, historical and geographical, etc.) and special (flora sampling, cartography, zoning) is used in invasive flora research. Therefore, during the invasive flora studies, along with philosophical and general scientific methods, both biological and geographical specifically scientific methods are used. The interdisciplinary nature of research in the specified field is indicated by its conceptual and terminological apparatus which includes concepts and terms of both biological (species, flora), as well as geographical (landscape, anthropogenic landscape, biogenic component of the landscape, natural complex) and ecological (alien flora, adventization, invasive flora, invasive species, biotope, biocenosis, biogeocenosis, phytocenosis, phytoinvasions, habitat, ecological niche, etc.) content.


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