The results of monitoring the distribution of the American white butterfly (Hyphantria cunea Drury, 1773) in the Ternopil region and in Ukraine in general for 2018–2021 were systematized and summarized. This dangerous pest from the class of Insects is classified as a quarantine organism of limited distribution in Ukraine (A-2). In the period 2016–2021, H. cunea was colonized in 22 regions (791 quarantine zones as of January 1, 2022) in the territory of Ukraine. In recent years, the rate of spread of the American white butterfly has decreased. It should be noted that the increase in new areas of its settlement remains stable, despite the positive dynamics of the decrease in its total number in the initial centers of maximum damage. In the Ternopil region, the area of settlement has increased by approximately 50 hectares each year (data for 2018–2021). The average annual temperature indicators in the Ternopil region apparently contributed to the adaptation and spread of the American white butterfly throughout the region in 2018–2021. As a result of the observation (2020–2022) of AWB in the homestead in the village Dzhurynska Slobidka of the Chortkiv district of the Ternopil region, it was found that the weather conditions of 2022 were unfavorable for the development and settlement of this pest. In the Ternopil region, there are a significant number of green areas, forests, gardens where Hyphantria cunea host plants grow, as well as agricultural lands engaged in the cultivation and harvesting of fruits and berries, which contributes to the further settlement of the American white butterfly in the territory of the Ternopil region. As a result of the survey of the residents of Bilobozhnytsk community (Ternopil region) regarding the awareness of the presence and harmfulness of the American white butterfly, it was found that 83% do not know about the existence of the pest. We informed the population of this community about its harmfulness and the need to limit its settlement.
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