DOI: 10.32999/ksu2524-0838/2022-32-6
The syntaxonomic structure of the class Juncetea maritimi Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1952 on the territory of National Nature Park «Dzharylhatskyi» was specified. Six associations were identified, two of which are listed for the first time: Juncetum maritimo-acuti Horvatić 1934 is presented for the first time for the territory of the National Nature Park «Dzharylhatskyi» and Juncetum littoralis Popescu et. al. 1992 is presented for the first time for the territory of Ukraine. The article presents the classification scheme and prodromus of vegetation of the class Juncetea maritimi, as well as a map of the distribution of syntaxa found on the Dzharylhach Island at the association level. The results of processing geobotanical data obtained during 2017-2018 did not confirm the eight associations cited for the Dzharylhach Island: Plantagini salsae-Juncetum maritimi ShelуagSosonko et Solomakha 1987, Tripolio pannonici-Caricetum extensae Dubyna et Neuhäuslová 2000, Limonio gmelinii-Aeluropodetum littoralis Krausch 1965, Plantagini salsae-Limonietum meyeri Dubyna et al. 2007, Limonio meyeri-Plantaginetum cornuti Dubyna et al. 2007, Artemisio santonicae-Juncetum maritimi Shelуag-Sosonko, Dubyna et Neuhäuslová in Dubyna et Neuhäuslová 2000, Carici distantis-Schoenetum nigricantis Géhu et al. 1986, Schoeno nigricantisPlantaginetum maritimae Rivas-Martínez 1984. Some clarifications are given regarding the status of syntaxa in the class Juncetea maritimi, which are mentioned in recent summaries for the territory of Ukraine: alliance Junco maritimiSchoenion nigricantis Dubyna et Dziuba 2019 and association Junco maritimi-Schoenetum nigricantis Dubyna et Dziuba 2019 are invalid; it is necessary to search for the protologue of the association Junco maritimi-Schoenetum nigricantis Provost 1975 to confirm or refute the case of homonymy according to the «International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature». The relevance of further research in Ukraine to identify new localities of Juncetum littoralis is emphasized.
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