DOI: 10.32999/ksu2524-0838/2022-32-4

  • M. Z. Prokopiak
  • H. M. Holinei
  • M. A. Kryzhanovska
Keywords: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, regulated pests, phytosanitary monitoring, pest distribution, pest number


The Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte) is a dangerous pest of corn, the larvae of which feed on the root hairs and tissues of corn roots, and the adult rootworms feed on pollen, immature grains, leaves of corn, and primary roots. This is a dangerous pest from the class of Insects, which belongs to the quarantine organisms of limited distribution in Ukraine (A-2). The purpose of the study was to analyze the distribution of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte in Khmelnytskyi region during 2016-2021. We summarized the results of phytosanitary monitoring of the western corn rootworm, which is a regulated pest in Ukraine and Khmelnytskyi region particularly, according to data of the Main Department of the State Food and Consumer Services. The article presents the results of a study of the number of western corn rootworm and its dynamics over the years of observation of crops in the Khmelnytskyi region. In Ukraine, the area inhabited by D. virgifera virgifera was 138693.5383 hectares (as of January 1, 2022). From 2015
to 2021, the population of the western corn rootworm has increased 1.6 times. During the period 2015–2021, the area inhabited by D. virgifera virgifera in the Khmelnytskyi region increased 42 times and as of January 1, 2022 amounted to 4183,910 hectares. It was found that the largest areas of pest infestation are in Khmelnytskyi district (2734.92 hectares), which is 2.4 times more than in Kamyanets-Podilskyi and 8.4 times more than in Shepetivka. The adaptations and the further spread of D. virgifera virgifera in the Khmelnytskyi region probably contributed to the average annual temperatures of 2016–2020, and winter temperatures were also suitable for wintering eggs.
D. virgifera virgifera belongs to the quarantine organisms, and the climatic conditions and the available fodder base of Khmelnytskyi region will promote the development of the western corn rootworm, so it will obviously survive and further increase its numbers.


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