• Yu. V. Osadcha
Keywords: immunohematological indices, hens, stress, nonspecific reactivity, endogenous intoxication


The parameters of the group size of laying hens in cages are not provided by current domestic standa rds, and according to the recommendations of the cross-country developer should contain at least 7 birds, but in practice they reach 100 birds, so they need to be clarified when using 12-tier cage batteries of the classical constructions. The purpose of the research was to study the nonspecific reactivity of the hens' body under the influence of the group size with the same stoking density of laying hens in similar cages by design. To do this, 4 groups of hens were formed in the conditions of a modern complex for the eggs production, each of which was kept in a separate poultry house similar in area and equipment, equipped with 12-tier cage batteries, the size of the cages in which varied. The group size of hens in each cage of the 1st group was 93 birds, the 2nd –52 birds, the 3rd – 17 birds and 4th – 9 birds. At 52 weeks of age, 30 blood samples were taken from each group of hens and a hemogram was determined. Integral immunohematological indices were
calculated based on the hemogram. It was found that with a decrease in the group size of hens there is an increase in the shift indices of leukocytes, heterophiles to lymphocytes ratio, immunoreactivity, heterophiles to monocytes ratio, lymphocytes to monocytes ratio, lymphocytes to ESR ratio and lymphocytes to eosinophils ratio. This indicates a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, the predominance of nonspecific protective cells due to a functional increase in bone marrow proliferative activity and is expressed in increased heterophiles, increased activity in the microphage-macrophage immune response system and indicates the presence of high levels of endogenic intoxication in the body of hens and impaired immunological reactivity, and can inform about the autoimmune nature of the pathological process. At the same time, a decrease in lymphocyte-granulocyte ratio, total and lymphocyte indices was detected, which confirms the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left and indicates the dominance of cell activation of the immune system, indicates an active adaptive response of white blood. Simultaneous increase in the leukocyte shift index and decrease in the lymphocyte-granulocyte index indicates the development of endogenous intoxication in hens and impaired immunological reactivity due to autointoxication of the body during the destruction of its own cells.


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