• І. Lupaina
  • A.M. Liashevych
  • S.P. Veselsky
Keywords: testosterone propionate, cholates, free bile acids, conjugated bile acids, liver


The study of sexual differences in the regulation of biliary secretory function of the liver is considered as one of the areas in hepatology. After all, the liver plays a role in mediating a number of systemic effects of sex hormones on the body and is a key organ of their metabolism. In particular, the correlation between the concentrations of sex hormones can determine the direction of physiological processes and their possible violations. Since hormones of a steroidal nature are considered to be one of the chains of effector mechanisms by which homeostasis is provided and processes of tissue proliferation, differentiation and growth occur, the correlation between the concentrations of steroid hormones can determine the direction of physiological processes and their possible disorders. The effects of androgens on cholate secretion remain poorly studied. Given the significant intersex differences in bile formation and bile secretion, the purpose of the study was to investigate the role of testosterone in the regulation of bile secretory function of the liver of
female rats. During the study, physiological methods were used (surgery, cannulation of the bile ducts, registration of the dynamics of bile secretion); biochemical methods (separation by thin layer chromatography of the main organic components of bile (bile acids and lipids (cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, triglycerides, free fatty acids)) with their preliminary differential extraction and subsequent quantitative densitometric evaluation of individual components of this bioliquid on chromatograms; methods of mathematical statistics (using the software package Statistica 5.0). Cholic secretion in female rats increased under the influence of testosterone. Testosterone increased the concentrations of taurocholic, tauroсhenodeoxycholic and taurodeoxycholic and glycocholic acids. Instead, the content of glycoсhenodeoxycholic and glycodeoxycholic acids under the action of testosterone decreased significantly, and the concentration of free bile acids - cholic, chenodeoxycholic and deoxycholic acids increased. As the content of taurocholate and glycocholate increased in female rats under the influence of intraportal testosterone, this indicates an increase in the efficiency of the processes that provide conjugation
and transformation of bile acids in the liver of these animals.


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