• A.O. Davydova
  • D.A. Davydov
  • M.O. Parkhomenko
Keywords: syntaxonomy, sand vegetation, chorology, the Steppe zone of Ukraine


The vegetation of sand phytocenosis was first described within the territory of «Dvorichanskyi» National Nature Park and its surroundings on the pine terrace of the Oskil river
(Kupyansk District of Kharkiv Region). A map showing the locations where geobotanical relevés were carried out is given. The syntaxonomic structure of psammophytic vegetation has been established. It is represented by three associations (Festucetum beckeri Ad. Oprea 1998, Secaletum sylvestre Popescu & Sanda 1973 and Secali sylvestri-Caricetum colchicae Davydova 2019) and two basal communities (BC Stipa borysthenica and BC Carex colchica) belonging to the alliance Festucion beckeri Vičherek 1972, the order Festucetalia beckeri Soó 1957 and the class Festucetea vaginatae Soó ex Vičherek 1972. The classification scheme and the prodromus of the psammophytic vegetation are indicated. Several questions on the syntaxonomy of Ukrainian coastal and continental sand areas are discussed. Two associations (Festucetum beckeri and Secaletum sylvestre) and the one basal community (BC Stipa borysthenica) were recorded on the territory of the «Dvorichanskyi» National Nature Park directly. It has been established that sand areas on the pine terrace of Oskil river have a high scientific value, since Stipa borysthenica Klokov ex Prokudin, a species from «The Red Data Book of Ukraine», takes a significant part in their formation. Also, populations of two species promising for inclusion in the List of plant species subject to special protection in the Kharkiv region were identified – Gelasia ensifolia (M.Bieb.) Zaika & al. and Jurinea polyclonos DC. The authors described communities of two associations (Stipetum borysthenicae purum and Stipetum (borysthenicae) festucosum (beckeri)) from the formation Stipeta borysthenicae, included in «The Green Data Book of Ukraine». It is emphasized that the psammophytic vegetation of Oskil river valley is insufficiently studied and needs further research with the involvement of geobotanical data from different regions. 


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