During the study of the first detected local population of Brephulopsis cylindrica (Menke, 1828) on the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla, which is located in the Berezansky district of the Mykolaiv region, morphological features of the copulative apparatus structure were revealed. The nature of the distribution of features and their variability were analyzed. The elements of the copulative apparatus, the most significant in copulation, vary the least in linear terms. The appendages of the copulative apparatus tend to reduce. The specificity of the indicators of the copulative apparatus of individuals of the population is proved, which is a significant addition to the complex approach in the identification of the species of terrestrial mollusks B. cylindrica.
The average values of the elements of the copulative apparatus of individuals of the species from the population of the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla were lower than in other studied populations. In most cases, these differences are statistically reliable (р˂0.05). The length and thickness of the epiphalus differ significantly from almost all populations of the Northern Black Sea Coast, as a specific feature that within the population acquires certain stability due to the function of spermatophore formation.
Microevolutionary processes in the population of B. cylindrica from the adjacent territory of Lake Solonets-Tuzla are active, specific and depend on the localization factor. The presence of a full-fledged local population on saline soil confirms the high level of ecological plasticity of the studied species of mollusks. Meristic and plastic indicators of flagellum are under a significant level of genetic control. The elements of the reproductive system vary the least, the most important in the implementation of copulation. The appendages of the genitals tend to reduce.
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