For the first time, systematic studies of the structural and functional properties of macrozoobenthos of Lake Zakіtne were conducted. A taxonomic list of macroinvertebrates with their zoogeographical characteristics is given. According to the results of research, 3 types of benthic invertebrate groups were identified and described, of which Oligochaeta-Chironomidae type were the most widespread. Only two species were common to all found groups: Einfeldia longipes and Glyptotendipes glaucus of Chiromonidae family. The calculated biotic indices indicate a fairly high degree of use of existing biotopes by macroinvertebrates, as well as the predominance of species characteristic of the α-β-mesosaprobic zone.
The variety of ways and mechanisms of feeding of benthic invertebrates is shown. Collectors, scraper collectors, sedimentators, filter feeders, shredders, predators, as well as macroinvertebrates with an indeterminate feeding type were identified in the trophic structure by the predominant type of feeding. The number of species, as well as their representation in trophic groups, varied in different years, yet 54-73% of them were nonpredatory forms.
According to the obtained data, the components of the energy balance for macroinvertebrates were calculated. The active participation in the production of organic matter of Chironomidae larvae (from 29 to 62% of the total production of nonpredatory and predatory forms) is indicated. In some years, Ephemeroptera and Mollusca were actively involved in production. The largest flow of energy passed through insects (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera) and leeches. Attention is drawn to the role of predators, which can significantly reduce the production of groups. High production and food ration of predators do not allow to ignore them when calculating the production of the entire zoocenosis.
In average, during the vegetation season, the total production of nonpredatory and predatory benthic invertebrates was 77,89 kJ/m2, and the predator's food ration was 61,80 kJ/m2.
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