N. Yu. Seliukova

  • N. Yu. Seliukova
Keywords: fetoplacental insufficiency, reproductive system, sexual behaviour, female offspring


Sexual behaviour is an integral part of reproduction and is considered as a neuroendocrine function of the body. It is the result of sexual differentiation of the brain in the early stages of development of the body and is regulated by steroids of the gonads, which is confirmed by the presence of receptors for these hormones in the centre of sexual behaviour. Any negative factors during pregnancy can cause a lot of harm to the unborn child. To date, it is almost unknown how fetoplacental insufficiency affects the reproductive function of offspring of both sexes from birth to puberty very little. The purpose of this work was to study the effects of fetoplacental insufficiency of mothers of different ages on the sexual behaviour of female offspring. Materials and methods of research. The experiment involved healthy sexually mature female mothers of Wistar rats, young (3 months) and mature (10 months) of reproductive age, with a normal four to five day estrous cycle. 4 groups of 7 pregnant females were formed: 1 group, intact young animals; group 2, intact females of mature reproductive age; group 3, young females with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency; 4 - females with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency of mature reproductive age. Modelling of fetoplacental insufficiency was performed by daily subcutaneous injection to females from the 12th to the 18th day of pregnancy 50% oil solution of carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 2 ml/kg body weight. The sexual behaviour of females was studied according to generally accepted methods. After a study of sexual behaviour at the age of 3 months, female offspring were removed from the experiment. The uterus and ovaries were weighed, and the number of follicles in the ovary was counted. The estrous cycle of females was studied. Serum samples were taken to determine the concentration of the hormones estradiol and testosterone. Conclusions and prospects for further development. Fetoplacental insufficiency in young mothers of reproductive age affects the sexual behaviour of female offspring, reduces the number  of lordosis reactions by almost 20% and increasing the receptive indicators of sexual behaviour.
Such changes occur against the background of elevated levels of sex hormones while reducing the number of cycling females and the number of follicles in the ovary. Due to the fact that the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg require sequential activation of the secretion of hypothalamic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone, and against the background of fetoplacental insufficiency, there may be no preovulatory growth of their levels in the blood due
to refractoriness of the ovaries. In the study of sexual behaviour of offspring of females born to mothers of mature reproductive age with fetoplacental insufficiency, a decrease in the number of lordosis reactions by 50% of the intact group and increased receptive behaviour were noted. Also, this group of
offspring had a reduced number of cycling females but the number of follicles in the ovaries remained within the intact group. Such reproductive changes occurred against the background of elevated testosterone levels, without changes in estradiol concentrations, which led to the relative androgenization of females. The prospect of further development is to study the effects of fetoplacental insufficiency on the fertility of mature offspring of both sexes born to female rats of different reproductive ages with fetoplacental insufficiency.  


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