M. V. Prychepa, Yu. O. Kovalenko

  • M. V. Prychepa
  • Yu. O. Kovalenko
Keywords: Rudd, malondialdehyde, alkaline phosphatase, adaptive response, anthropogenic impact


The article discusses the changes in individual biochemical indicators of the Rudd under the anthropogenic pressure. The Rudd, which was caught in the summer from water bodies with different anthropogenic loads, was the object for research. A high content of malondialdehyde (by 31.4%) was found in fish from a polluted water body (Lake Kirillovske) compared with fish from a conditional control (Lake Babyne). An increase in the content of malonic dialdehyde
indicates a violation of the rate of processes of plastic and energy metabolism in the liver tissues. The change in this indicator confirms the presence of unfavorable living conditions for Rudd during research. A confirmation of the chronic stress, experienced by the studied individuals of the Rudd, is a change in the activity of alkaline phosphatase. In muscle tissues, the activity of this enzyme was by 36.11% higher than in the control group. This indicates the activation of phosphorus metabolism in these tissues of the Rudd. In contrast, a lower activity of alkaline phosphatase was found in the tissues of the liver and gills, which is a consequence of the specific environmental conditions of existence. The differences between the studied groups of fish, in terms of biochemical markers, proves that they are under significantly different ecological and toxicological conditions. The study of the physiological state of Rudd on the impact of anthropogenic pollution should be considered through a number of physiological and biochemical parameters that can fully provide the information on the physiological state of natural groups of this species. This is necessary to establish, in the future, changes that can occur within different fish populations.
Changes in the physiological state of Rudd (for example, the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the content of malondialdehyde) as additional evaluation criteria can be used to predict the ecological state of water bodies experiencing anthropogenic pollution.


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