D. A. Davydov

  • D.A. Davydov
Keywords: adventive plants, new localities, Forest-Steppe zone


The article summarizes the data on the distribution of 25 alien vascular plants in the territory of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. All of them are ergaziophytes (mostly ornamental plants) escaped from their areas of cultivation. Ten species (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees, Iberis umbellata L., Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv., Ricinus communis L., Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L., Iris germanica L., Salvia sclarea L., Mirabilis jalapa L., Sorghum drummondii (Nees ex Steud.) Millsp. & Chase and Viola sororia Willd.) have been firstly found as wild plants in this region. Four species (Rudbeckia triloba L., Euphorbia marginata Pursh, Portulaca grandiflora Hook. and Solanum lycopersicum L.) are new for Poltava region, one (Solidago gigantea W.T. Aiton) – for Sumy region, two (Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng. and Salvia sclarea L.) – for Kharkiv city and Kharkiv region. The data of distribution of Amaranthus caudatus L. in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine were confirmed by herbarium specimen. Other eight species (Allium schoenoprasum L., Calendula officinalis L., Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (L.) G.L. Nesom, Dianthus barbatus L., Phedimus spurius (M. Bieb.) 't Hart, Phlox paniculata L., Solanum tuberosum L.) belong to locally distributed alien plants. Based on analysis of the chorology of these species, it is found that eight alien plants have North-American origin, other main regional chorological groups are represented by species from Eastern Asia (4), South America (3) and Europe (3). Major part of the found alien plants includes ephemerophytes in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (22 species), only three representatives (Heliopsis helianthoides, Phedimus spurius and Solidago gigantea) are naturalized on this territory and belong to the stable floristic component. Two species (Hemerocallis fulva and Iris germanica) are sporadically distributed in different locations, but represented by vegetative clones only and have not been considered as elements of the spontaneous flora.


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