M. V. Vysochanska, S. P. Beschasnyi, O. M. Hasiuk

  • M.V. M. V. Vysochanska
  • S.P. Beschasnyi
  • O.M Hasiuk
Keywords: thrombocytes, carbon monoxide donor, CORM-2, immune response phases


The balance between the liquid state support of the blood and the thrombus formation process depends on the activity of plasma factors and thrombocytes. In a vascular injury condition, thrombocytes form a thrombocyte plug, vasoconstriction and, further, take part in the restoration of the tissues. Reducing the clotting function of thrombocytes is a current problem. The search for agents - modulators of thrombocyte activity - is a promising area of research.
Compounds - gas-transmitters can be used to model the activity of thrombocytes hemostasis. Carbon monoxide (CO) gas belongs to this group as well. CO in very low concentrations affects in a different way the process of apoptosis, stimulates calcium-dependent potassium channels, and changes the activity of mitochondria. To investigate the effect of CO on blood clotting rate, laboratory mice were injected with the compound CO donor (CORM-2). This substance was
administered separately during the inductive and productive phases of the immune response. The dynamics of the immune response were measured by IgA, IgM and IgG immunoglobulin levels. It was found that blood clotting was intensified under the influence of CORM-2 (20 mg/kg). Especially, the increase was during the productive phase. At the end of the experiment, the percentage of megakaryoblasts in the total population of thrombocyte precursors decreased in
the bone marrow of animals (to which CORM-2 was administered). Against this background, an increased content of megakaryocytes was found in the group that received CORM-2 during the productive phase. In the group that received CORM-2 during the inductive phase, in addition to an increase in megakaryocyte levels, there was an increase in thrombocyte levels. The group that received CORM-2 during the productive phase also had a predominance of metamegakaryocytes and reducing of thrombocyte amount.


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