The problem of studying the effects of nitrates on biochemical processes is particularly relevant because of nitrate pollution and their negative impact on humans and animals. It has not only theoretical but also practical significance. The main cause of nitrate intoxication in animals is the consumption of plants that have the property of increased nitrogen accumulation. Many nitrates accumulate in forage crops during periods of drought, with insufficient insolation and lowering of soil and air temperature, with insufficient amount of microelements. Water is
also another source of nitrates and nitrites in animals, including humans. This happens with the uncontrolled use of water from wells with large amounts of nitrates and nitrites or from open water contaminated with nitrogen mineral and organic fertilizers. The majority of exogenous and endogenous nitrates and nitrites, excreted from humans and animals mainly by the kidneys. At the same time, their action leads to a violation of the integrity of the cell membrane of the kidneys and to activation of the processes of free radical oxidation of macromolecules.
In the body, nitrates able to reducing to nitrite ions, which in turn, able for converting into nitric oxide, which in excess can lead to the development of nitrosative stress due to the formation of reactive nitrogen forms. These forms, in a number of reactions can lead to the formation of free radicals, in particular OH · and, as a consequence, the activation of lipid peroxidation. The effect of a 30-day intake of nitrates with a concentration of 500 mg / kg body weight on the kidney status of adult rats and changes in such indicators as arginase activity and content of
peroxinitrites of alkali and alkaline earth metals is studied. Nitrate intoxication leads to the activation of nitrosative stress processes, which manifested in a decrease in arginase activity and a slight increase in peroxinitrite levels, as well as leads to activation of lipid peroxide oxidation processes and to activation of enzymatic antioxidant protection in rat kidneys.
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