The results of the research of biomorphological characteristic Dionaea Ellis of the collection O. V. Fomin Botanical garden are shown. The genus is represented by species and cultivar. For the first time studied features of the seasonal development are displayed in eight phenological phases that almost concide in the introduced plants D. muscipula and its cultivar. Their distribution, ecobiomorphological features, also conditions and methods of their
introductions are observed. It is shown that plants Dionaea muscipula Ellis and D. muscipula cv. All Red, from the collection O.V. Fomin Botanical garden belong to the Droseraceae Salisb. family, Saxifragales order. It is a perennial, swampy, herbaceous plants with bulbous, short, underground stems and
a rosette of root leaves with tightly arranged leaves, amount of 4–7 pcs. The plant's catching apparatus is «closing leaves». The leaf «trap» works in 1/5 minute. The mechanism of this movement is to quickly change the patency of the protoplasm and to a sharp decrease of the
turgor of parenchyma cells on the upper side of the leaf plate, along the sides of the main vein. Electrophysiological phenomena occur in the leaf blade with irritation. Our own method of cultivation in the conditions of the protected soil of the temperate zone of Ukraine has been developed, which showed that D. muscipula and its culivar are light-loving plants, that require 4–5 hours of sunlight in summer. In autumn and winter, it provides additional artificial
illumination for 15–16 hours a day, creating a level of illumination of at least 5000 lux. At low temperatures (autumn-winter) the leaves «trap» die off and start to grow again in the spring.
For the first time, the investigated features of seasonal development in the conditions of the protected soil of the temperate zone of Ukraine are displayed in 8 phenological phases that almost coincide in the introduced plants of D. muscipula and its cultivar. The substrate for plants should be loose. To create it, coconut shavings, peat, perlite, river sand and cut mosssphagnum are used in the following proportions: 3: 1: 1: 0,5: 2. Propagated D. muscipula and
its cultivars by seeds, infant bulbous stems with leaf rosette or leaf cuttings. Seeds are stratified for 2 months at + 4–5 ° C in the refrigerator. To control pests, spray with water infusions or extracts from plants containing volatile production and baking substances.