clinical examination of the functional state of the brain. However, the formation
of it as a method would not have been possible without such methodological
techniques as measuring the amount of electricity that allowed Dubois-Raymond
to permanently discontinue the debate over the heuristic theory of Galway's
bioelectrogenesis. The creation and perfection of galvanometers allowed the
discoverers of the electrical activity of the brain (Katon, Danilevsky, PravdychNemirsky, Berger) to make the first records and to establish the first classification
(Berger) of the EEG rhythms. The development of computer technology and
computer processing techniques led to the rapid development of the EEG method.
However, today's existing approaches to EEG do not yield the desired results and
do not allow to reveal the intimate mechanisms of generating EEG. Possibly, the
creation of new approaches and methodical techniques will overcome this
problem and identify the sources of generating EEG rhythms.
Key words: electroencephalography, brain research, neurophysiology,
electrogenesis, Walter, Berger.