The present state of the ornithofauna of the separate parts of the valley of the Ros
river was considered and analyzed. A total of 200 species of birds are registered. It is
47.1% of the fauna of Ukraine. Among them, 120 are nesting, 7 are probably nesting,
67 are flying, 6 are wintering. 23 species are listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine.
The analysis of landscapes revealed a significant level of transformation. This is one
of the limiting factors in the distribution of various species of birds, in particular
meadow and hydrophilic. The river valley according to registered species is an
important breeding ground and acts as a migratory corridor between breeding sites
and wintering of different species of birds. The results of long-term monitoring of
species composition of birds only give data on the species composition of birds. The
quantitative composition is mentioned only fragmentarily, which will be the goal of
further research. To a greater extent, research results focus on the species
composition of predatory and wet-bird species. Since, in our opinion, these birds from
the ecological point of view are most affected by anthropogenic human activities. The
peculiarities of their ecology and changes in numbers make it possible to judge the
biodiversity and the ecological state of the environment as a whole. The urgency of the
research is the absence of systematic studies of the average flow of the Ros river and
its influx. The species composition and distribution of the birds of the Ros river basin
is now an open question. Ornithological studies of the Ros river valley are mainly
fragmentary and relate only to individual sections of the river, in particular the lower
reaches. In the course of long-term monitoring, new data were obtained regarding the
species composition of the birds of the Ros river valley. 200 species were identified, of
which 120 are nesting. Ros river basin due to the numerous influxes of various sizes
and configurations of the channel, waterlogged onions, lakes, canals, ponds, where
fish growers promote the propagation of hydrophilic species of birds.
Key words: birds, Ros river valley, landscapes, vulnerable species,
anthropogenic influence.