The article shows the present state of the anthropogenically polluted Verevchina
river phytoplankton which takes partially purified sewage and is an integral part of
the economic complex of Kherson.
Studies of 2002–2005, 2013–2015, 2017 showed that the algae of the river
counts 274 species represented by 308 interspecies taxons, including the nomenclature
type of species, which belong to 8 divisions, 15 classes, 32 orders, 124 genera. In the
modern period, as in the 80's of the last century, the dominance of diatoms in the
floristic spectrum remains.
Specific species richness of the phytoplankton of the river is not large – an
average of 24 species and interspecies taxon (IST). In the spring plankton of the
Verevchyna River 118 IST of algae were discovered, in summer 196 IST, in the autumn
125 IST.
The average indicators of the quantitative development of phytoplankton in the
studied watercourse were: the number – 7,1 million cl/dm3
, biomass – 3,674 g/m3
which exceeded the similar values by the data of the late 80's of the last century, 5-8
In spite of the decrease in the intensity of anthropogenic influence on the
Verevchina River in recent years, the processes of contamination of water masses are
continuing. This is evidenced by the species richness of euglena flora, a significant
number of which are species-indicators of α-p-saprobity (dirty) waters. Of these, the
most common are Euglena caudata Hubn., Astasia klebsii Lemm., Lepocinclis ovum
(Ehr.) Lemm., and also rarely found in the waters of the lower reaches of the Dnieper,
Notosolenus apocamptus Stokes, Petalomonas pusilla Skuja, Urceolus cyclostomus
(Stein) Mereschk.
Key words: phytoplankton, Verevchyna river, taxonomic structure, dominant
complex, number and biomass of algae, types of saprobity indicators.