The article discusses the effect of sensory deprivation on the state of functional
mobility of nervous processes in schoolchildren aged 15-16. The relevance of the study
is the need to obtain and analyze new scientific data on the specificity of the impact of
auditory deprivation on the functional mobility of the nervous processes (FMNP) of a
person. The main objective of this phase of the study was to study the features of the
functional mobility of the nervous processes in children with hearing impairments.
The studies were conducted, taking into account changes in the fluctuations of
mental performance during the working day and week, all studies were conducted on
days of high mental performance - from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 13.00
hours. The total amount of experimental research for each subject represented no
more than 10 minutes in one examination. At the beginning of the study, each
individual was familiarized with the methodology for studying the functional mobility
of nerve processes using the feedback mode. The study for the entire contingent was
carried out using the computer diagnostic method "Diagnost-1M", which was
developed in the laboratory of physiology of higher human nervous activity of the
Institute of Physiology named after. O.O. Bogomoltsa National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine (Kiev) professors M. V. Makarenk and V. S. Lizogub.
After analyzing the data, we found that the mean values of FMNP in children
with sensory deprivation were statistically different from those in the control group.
The reason for this is mental retardation and hearing problems in children with
impaired hearing. Qualitative analysis showed that among students in the control
group, individuals with high and medium levels of functional mobility of nerve
processes are more often observed, and in the experimental group - children with low
levels of FMNP. The central processing time is the shortest for the students in the
control group, in contrast to the experimental one. This is due to the lagging behind of
hearing impaired people in the area of forming perception of objective actions as a
result of speech underdevelopment. Also, the average values of the right-handed
FMNP are significantly better compared to the functional mobility of the left hand in
both groups. This is due to the dominance of the right hand as a powerful means of
adaptive human behavior.
Keywords: functional mobility, sensory deprivation, information