Beschasnyi S.P., Naydenov M.N. Gasiuk E.N. REACTION OF MASTOCYTES DURING PERFUSION OF HEART INTERFERON SOLUTION Keywords: recombinant interferon-α2b, β-blocker propranolol, the perfusion of the heart. In model experiments on isolated mouse hearts showed that the transmittance of perfusion with Krebs solution preparation of the recombinant interferon-α2b leads to a "fast" effect of activation of resident mast cells, which is shown enlarged, increasing the intracellular amount of basophilic granules with an active content. However, adding to the perfusion solution of the non-selective β- blocker propranolol results in a leveling of the activating effect of interferon on mast cells, reducing their pro-inflammatory activity, which is activated by ischemia and in conditions of high concentrations of interferon action.References
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2. Кондашевская М.В. Гепарин в защитно-приспособительных реакциях
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4. Floyd J.D. Cardiotoxicity of cancer therapy / J.D.Floyd, D.T.Nguyen, R.L.Lobins,
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5. Gutterman J.U. Recombinant leukocyte A interferon: Pbarmacokinetics, single-dose
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6. Hiramatsu S. Influence of interferon therapy on signal-averaged and ambulatory
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7. Indraccolo S. Identification of genes selectively regulated by IFNs in endothelial cells.
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J. Immunol. – 2007. – 178. – Р.1122-1135.
8. Ishikawa T. Inhibitory effects of interferon-gamma on the heterologous desensitization
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– 2003. - №33(6). – Р.808-815.
9. Kaveti P. Cardiomyopathy due to pegylated interferon therapy for hepatitis C /
P.Kaveti, E.T.Isom, K.Schrapp, M.Crawford // International J Intern Med. – 2014. –
№3 (2). – Р. 35-37.
10. Khaled A. Cardiotoxicity of сancer therapy / A.Khaled, M.D.Tolba, N.Efthymios,
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11. Kovanen P.T. Mast cells in atherogenesis: actions and reactions. / P.T. Kovanen //
Curr. Atheroscler. Rep. – 2009. - №11 (3). – Р.214–219.
12. Le Сorguillе M. Complications cardiovasculaires de l’interfеron-alpha. / M. Le
Сorguillе, G.Pochmalicki, C.Eugеne // Gastroenterol Clin Biol. - 2007.- №31. -
13. Marschall Z. Effects of interferon alpha on vascular endothelial growth factor gene
transcription and tumor angiogenesis. / Z.Marschall, A.Scholz, T.Cramer, G.Schäfer,
B.Wiedenmann, et al. // J Natl Cancer Inst. – 2003. - №95 (6). – Р. 437-448.
14. Merigan T.C. Human interferon as a therapeutic agent / T.C. Merigan // N Engl J Med.
- 1979. – 300. - Р.42-43.
15. Quesada J. Clinical toxicity of interferons in cancer patients: A review. / J.Quesada,
M.Talpaz, R.Rios, et al: // J Clin Oncol. - 1986. – № 4. – Р.234-243.
16. Rechciński T. Cardiotoxic properties of interferon. / T.Rechciński, D.Matusik,
T.Rudziński, Z.Bednarkiewicz, et al. // Pol Arch Med Wewn. – 2007. - №117 (1-2). –
Р. 49–52.
17. Reifenberg K. Interferon-induces chronic active myocarditis and cardiomyopathy in
transgenic mice / K.Reifenberg, H.Lehr, M.Torzewski, G.Steige, E.Wiese, et al. //
Am. J Pathology. – 2007. - №171 (2). – Р. 463-472.
18. Salman H. The effect of interferon on mouse myocardial capillaries: an ultrastructural
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1999. - №85(6). – Р. 1375-1379.
19. Strander H.K. Clinical and laboratory investigations on man: Systemic administration
of potent interferon to man. / H.K.Strander, K.Cantell, G.Carlstrom, et al. // J Natl
Cancer Inst. - 1973. - № 51. - Р.733-742.
20. Zbinden G. Effects of recombinant human alpha-interferon in a rodent cardiotoxicity
model / G. Zbinden // Toxicology Letters. - 1990. - № 50. – Р. 25-35.
21. Zheng L. Mechanisms for interferon-α-induced depression and neural stem cell
dysfunction. / L Zheng, S. Hitoshi, N. Kaneko, K. Takao, T. Miyakawa, et al. // Stem
Cell Reports. – 2014. - №3. – Р. 73–84.