The purpose of the paper is to determine historical aspects of the research of the flora and vegetation of the region, to describe the floristic structure and composition of the psammophytic communities of Chernihiv Polissya, as well as to analyze the synanthropic fraction of the psammophytic flora and to determine the degree of its anthropogenic transformation. The materials for the article were collected during the field research of Chernihiv Polissya on sandy soil in 2017–2021. According to the results of research, it was found that the psammophytic flora of Chernihiv Polissya includes 282 species of vascular plants belonging to 190 genera and 64 families. Also, seven species of mosses and 15 species of lichens were found. The psammophytic flora of vascular species of Chernihiv Polissya is 21.4% of the flora of Eastern Polissya and 6.3% of the flora of Ukraine. The spreading process of new species are mainly related to climate changes (xerophytization of phytodiversity) and invasions. Poales (19.08% of the total number of species) and Asterales (18.75%) were the most represented orders in the systematic structure. Compositae (18.1%) and Poaceae (12.2%) were dominant families. According to the acquired data on the psammophytic flora of Chernihiv Polissya 132 genera (69.1%) were represented by one species. This indicates a substantial degree of synanthropization in the flora. Perennials (58%) predominate among herbaceous species (91.1%). Mesophytes and xeromesophytes were dominant groups by the attitude to the water regime. Among psammophytes five groups were distinguished and according to the variability of soil moisture the most represented one was the group of hemi-hydrocontrastophiles 133 (47.2%), according to soil acidity (pH) – sub-acidophiles (44%), soil aeration – sub-aerophiles (53.2%), total soil salt content – semi-eutrophes (43.6%), soil carbonate content – hemi-carbonatophobes (46.5%), thermal regime – sub-mesotherms (57.4%), cryoclimatic regime – hemi-cryophytes (46.1%), humidity – sub-aridophytes (37.6%), by the continentality of climate – hemi-continental (50%), lighting conditions – sub-heliophytes (87.6%). The analysis of the synanthropic fraction of the sand flora of Chernihiv Polissya indicated active processes of spreading invasive species within the psammophytic communities of Chernihiv Polissya.
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