• К.А. Filiptsova
  • M.V. Shestakova
Ключові слова: carrageenan-induced inflammation, carvone, verbenone, anti-inflammatory action


Carvone and verbenone are natural organic substances that belong to the monoterpene class terpenoids, which are quite common in nature and are contained in many herbal medicines. Today, it is quite relevant to study the effectiveness of the anti-inflammatory effect of carvone and verbenone, as well as to compare their anti-inflammatory action. The effect of carvone and verbenone on seroglycoids content in rat blood serum and their anti-inflammatory action in the model of carrageenan-induced inflammation was studied in the work presented. The development of edema under the carvone and verbenone action against the background of an inflammatory reaction was evaluated and the results of the increase in the volume of the lesion and the anti-edematous action of the studied substances were compared, which reflects the process of suppression of the pathological reaction in animals of the experimental groups compared to the control one. The study of blood serum seroglycoside content in carrageenan-induced inflammation revealed a significant suppressive effect of both test substances on increasing the concentration of seroglycoids (only by 27.5 % and 42.5 %, respectively) at the initial stage of the pathological process, which may indicate a less active development of the inflammatory process during this period. The anti-inflammatory action of carvone throughout the study was slightly better than that of verbenone. Besides, the results of the study on the model of carrageenan-induced inflammation indicate the effective anti-edematous action of both carvone and verbenone. The effect of verbenone had a fairly stable anti-inflammatory action throughout the entire period of the experimental study (from 7.4 % up to 62.4 %). However, the most significant was the anti-inflammatory action of carvone, especially in the second half of the study (from 28.6% up to 100%). Significant anti-inflammatory action of carvone was established since the first day of the study, and at the end of the study, the morphological parameters of the affected rats’ limbs returned to their original state. The obtained study results allow us to state the effective anti-inflammatory action of both carvone and verbenone.


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