• О. Б. Шакало
  • О. Б. Спринь


O. Shakalo, O. Sprin COMPARATIVE ANALISIS OF GISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE ADENOHYPOPHYSIS AFTER CHEMOTHERAPY Key words: adenohypophysis, acidophilae, basophilae, carcinosarcoma of Wolker W – 256, citostatic preparation. In the article the special features of histological changes in the adenohypophysis of rats with vaccinated carcinosarcoma of Wolker W – 256 down the injection of cytostatic preparations are examined. The comparative analisis of the structure of adenohypophysis of control animals and rats with vaccinated carcinosarcoma of Wolker W – 256 down the injection of cytostatic preparations is carried out. Tanks to research conducted found that protpuhlyni drugs carry a strong negative effect on the development and differentiation of sekretory cells of the anterior pituitary. This manifests itselt in the changing topography, shape and type of violation of the sekretory cells adenohipofisis, namely reducing ob’emiv their bodies, nuclei and nucleoli delay differentiation secretory cells, sloving growth, violation blood supply and condition of vessels indication a violation of secretion of pituitary cells, namely their increased secretion. What causes depletion of secretory cells and cancer in general.


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