• О М Гасюк
  • Ю С Самойленко
  • Т О Половинко
  • С Ю Леоненко


This article provides information about studying of physical disability of white laboratory mice in long-term injection of different doses of recombinant erythropoietin. It was found that a one injection of erythropoietin in concentrations 0.65 IU, 3.5 IU and 6.5 IU leads to minor increases of physical performance parameters, the most productive changes were marked after the second injection, as evidenced by the double increase indicators of activity and endurance. In the third injection is overdose of hormone and as a result - a sharp decline of options. In the control group there is the gradual increase of physical performance, we think that it is the result of regular training. Injection of hormone in the end of study didn’t give reliable results. A possible explanation for this result may be phenomenon of body’s habituation to a high multiple of injections of erythropoietin.


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